Send Us Your Story

WTLGL LOVE's to hear from our members, but most importantly, we love to help! Here you can ask questions, Get Advice, and share a great moment in your life! Make Yourself at Home!

In Need Of Advice?

Do you need someone to talk to? Why Don't you #TellTia what's been bothering you! Take a moment and vent, tell us what's going on! For every  problem, there is a solution! WTLGL just might have the recipe to turn things around for you!



Let's Have Some Fun!

What was your MOST embarrassing moment? Was it on a date with a boy? Did you fall on your face in front of the entire school, or start your period at the most inconvenient time? WTLGL is about being free, and honest with the women around you because chances are, it's happened to somebody else too.  Submit your totally hilarious, most embarrassing moment and it could be featured in one of WTLGL's Latest Articles!


Ask Tia A Anonymous Question

Want to ask Tia a Question, But don't want to reveal your identity?  Now you can! Submit a question to Tia and get an unbiased answer from her firsthand.


In Need Of Prayer?

Don't feel alone, your not the only one. We believe that you can NEVER have enough Prayer! Each and every Sunday, the WTLGL community comes together and celebrates the son, the father and the holy ghost. So if you are looking for the Lord's word, come catch us on Sundays, in the Prayers Corner.




Having Relationship Issues?

Are you and your spouse not seeing eye to eye? Did you just have a recent argument that you'd like to have a second opinion on?

"Ask Him"

Introducing Our Newest Feature, Ask HIM! WTLGL has over 600 males in our Facebook Group, and now, we're giving the men the platform for women to ask them questions, that we ALL want the answers to!

"Ask Her"

 Men, We know your out there, and we know that you've got questions! Let us have it ! Is your girlfriend acting funny Ask questions to your hearts content! This is your opportunity to get answers from the ladies of WTLGL!

Are You And Your Bestie Having A Big Disagreement?


Please feel free to leave comments below in our comment section.
A WTLGL representative will be with you shortly.

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